Learn from 25 years of coaching experience and improve your game everyday using our email and information products. Thousands of players have found them useful. Buy them just once and keep using them for a lifetime.
Baseball Excellence offers information products and email products for aspiring baseball players. Our products help you to learn the dynamics of playing baseball. and help you to become the best player you aspire to be. We have email products like skill and Drill is an extremely powerful resource for the coach; player or parent, youth or advanced who wants to learn more about how to teach and play baseball. It is the perfect companion for the Coaches Practice Planner and Game Day Coach and it contains a mine of information.
There are two hundred skills listed in this Coaching Document. They are offensive, defensive and mental skills that must be mastered in order to play baseball at a proficient level. We not only list the skills (by position), but how to perform them, identify common mistakes, present drills to reinforce technique and cross-reference resources in our instructional material where you can find more information about each skill and/or drill. We designed these charts to allow for easy identification and annotation.
Baseball is becoming a specialized sport in which weight training has become an essential element. Athletes are training younger for baseball and they are also playing the game year round. If you are not training in the weight room you are going to be left behind.
This email document contains a guideline and plan for strength training. We have put in a weight training log for you to print out and take to the gym. In addition to the off-season program Derek Lilliquist designed, there is an in-season plan as well. (This is the same plan Derek uses with his Cardinals minor league team.) He is not only the pitching coach but a Strength coach as well.
Because Baseball Excellence has such a large youth baseball customer base we have also included guidelines for strength and resistance training for the preadolescent athlete.
Not everyone will adhere to a regimen of this sort. The successful ones will.
DEVELOPING PITCHERS is a 55-page email document that covers a sound plan to help pitchers prosper. We will give you information on:
How to build a Productive delivery.
How to protect your pitcher.
Functional Strength.
How to Monitor Pitchers in games.
How to get hitters out.
The strategy of pitching.
The Mental Side of Pitching.
Mound Demeanor.
“Real World Examples.”
Pitching from the stretch.
This document (pdf file) will give you a better understanding of the art of pitching; what pitchers must do to be successful.
Offensive and Defensive Baseball Skills
Perfect for printing and taking to practice. Want to learn how to teach offensive batting practice? It’s here. Want to download Catcher’s Skills? Right here! How about teaching Two-strike Hitting or the Art of Base Running? We’ve got it! A great way to help you with your practices. Each file is two to four pages and is in PDF format for easy viewing and downloading.
Over 50 Files!
Baseball Excellence offers many more information products and email products on baseball.